Sorting Algorithm Visualizer

"An Algorithm must be seen to be believed"

- Donald Knuth


Sort Algorithm

Sorting Algorithms are used to sort a data structure according to a specific order relationship, such as numerical order or lexicographical order.

This operation is one of the most important and widespread in computer science. For a long time, new methods have been developed to make this procedure faster and faster.

There are currently hundreds of different sorting algorithms, each with its own specific characteristics. They are classified according to two metrics: space complexity and time complexity.

Those two kinds of complexity are represented with asymptotic notations, mainly with the symbols O, Θ, Ω, representing respectively the upper bound, the tight bound, and the lower bound of the algorithm's complexity, specifying in brackets an expression in terms of n, the number of the elements of the data structure.

Most of them fall into two categories:

The complexity is proportional to the binary logarithm (i.e to the base 2) of n. An example of a logarithmic sorting algorithm is Quick sort, with space and time complexity O(n × log n).

-  Quick Sort
-  Merge Sort
-  Heap Sort

The complexity is proportional to the square of n. An example of a quadratic sorting algorithm is Bubble sort, with a time complexity of O(n2). Space and time complexity can also be further subdivided into 3 different cases: best case, average case and worst case.

-  Bubble Sort
-  Selection Sort
-  Insertion Sort
-  Gnome Sort
-  Shaker Sort
-  OddEven Sort
-  Pancake Sort

Have Fun!


Bubble Sort is an iterative sorting algorithm that imitates the movement of bubbles in sparkling water..

Average Complexity:   O(n2)
Best Case:   O(n)
Worst Case:   O(n2)
Space Complexity:   O(1)


The selection sort algorithm sorts an array by repeatedly finding the minimum element from unsorted part and putting it at the beginning.

Average Complexity:   O(n2)
Best Case:   O(n2)
Worst Case:   O(n2)
Space Complexity:   O(1)


The array is virtually split into a sorted and an unsorted part. Values from the unsorted part are picked and placed at the correct position in the sorted part.

Average Complexity:   O(n2)
Best Case:   O(n)
Worst Case:   O(n2)
Space Complexity:   O(1)

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Design with ❤️ by Akshat Srivastava
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